Iteration 30, ONEPŪ shifting sands / shifting time

Franklin Arts Centre, 12 Massey Avenue, Pukekohe, Auckland

Opening Celebration Saturday 15 March 10:30am - 1pm

The exhibition runs from 12 March - 26 April 2025

ONEPŪ - shifting sands / shifting time presented by six members of the mothermother collective is a group exhibition that responds to our ecological moment. It’s a show that looks to the past for guidance, and speaks to our shared futures. This experimental, site-responsive exhibition engages with the urgent subject of climate change by a range of intimate and local ecological art-practices from Margaret Feeney, Inga Fillary, Michelle Mayn, Melanie Ross, Nat Tozer and Jana Wood.

Please note the exhibition and public program is located at Franklin Arts Centre:

Artist Meet Up, Coffee & Korero
Franklin Arts Centre, 12 Massey Avenue, Pukekohe, Auckland
Thursday 3 April 10:30am
Port Waikato residents Jana Wood and Margaret Feeney share strategies for art making within the context of place and kainga.

Harakeke Fibre Gathering and Exploration
Auckland Botanic Gardens, Pa Harakeke (Harakeke plantation)
Saturday 12 April 9am – 10am (meeting at the main entrance at 8:45am)
Participants have the option to meet before the harakeke fibre workshop to harvest their own flax, to use during the workshop back at Franklin Arts Centre:
Wētā Room, Franklin Arts Centre
Saturday 12 April 11am – 1pm
Michelle Mayn will then lead a hands-on harakeke fibre workshop. Exploring the textile methods of binding, knotting and cordage making using muka (processed harakeke fibres). All materials provided.

Natural Pigment Making with artist Jana Wood

Franklin Arts Centre, 12 Massey Avenue, Pukekohe, Auckland
Saturday 26 April 2025 11am - 1pm
As part of the exhibition ONEPŪ - shifting sands / shifting time, artist Jana Wood is holding a workshop on how to make your own paint with earth pigments.

Please call Franklin Arts Centre on 09 238 8899 to book into one of our workshops, and to check their open hours.


Iteration 29 Wind to fly and flicker the flame