Iteration 3
October 2019
Teresa Peters + Kelly Pretty with support from Judith Darragh
Our third iteration, we are now seven artists in our small and humble collective. What makes a collective? The upholding of everyone by everyone. Working together to try things. Judith Darragh invites Teresa Peters, Rose Meyer invites Kelly Pretty. It’s wonderful to see the operation of the project gathering and morphing into an entity.
Themes in this show are feeling form and labour form. Teresa Peters pats smooth then gouges through her forms, fingers draw through the clay, shaping them into archetypal totems. She clusters them in stories, arranged together in tribes and lineages.
Kelly Pretty stitches her son’s drawings, a tender collaboration between mother and son. Faithfully retracing the drawn line into a blood red lineage. Full of wonder, that precious age of six where the drawn line is unlabored, the red stitching speaks to the raw reality of the ebbs and flows of life.
Teresa Peters, installation view
Judith Darragh
Teresa Peters, detail
Teresa Peters, left and Judith Darragh, right
Kelly Pretty, installation view
Kelly Pretty
Judith Darragh, Teresa Peters & Kelly Pretty
Teresa Peters, detail
Kelly Pretty
Teresa Peters