The Gestation Project

June 2019

Monqiue Lacey + Inga Fillary + Ekaterina Dimieva

The inception of our project. A time of exploration. What could an alternative format for exhibition look like. The premise was to question normative modes of gallery representation and to search for a platform that could benefit female artists in Aotearoa. We wanted to invite the possibility of the unknown into the project. And above all to provide a place for artists to connect and share their ideas.

Themes from this show are evolution, revolution, growth and decay. With Ekaterina Dimieva’s wild organic visions and with Inga Fillary’s rusting and dirt encrusted fields; both artists devour the formal proportions of the canvas. Inga’s painting’s chocking and rotting out at the edges, Ekaterina’s pulsing out of the frame with verdant abundance. This is a show that questions what it means to be boxed in. Monique Lacey brings it home by literally stomping down on square mass produced packaging, caving in dominating formats replent with playful light and shadow in her bent, curvy and crumpled edges.


Iteration 1